Archives Philippe Gras
Philippe Gras a toujours été non seulement un photographe indépendant, mais aussi un esprit indépendant, qui s’est refusé tout compromis.
Toute sa vie, il s’est efforcé de ne braquer son appareil photo que sur des œuvres, des thèmes, des artistes auxquels il croyait, avec lesquels il a entretenu dans certains cas un long compagnonnage, et sur des phénomènes de société qui lui semblaient importants. Il n’a jamais donné dans l’élitisme, bien au contraire. Ses archives témoignent d’un goût très sûr en matière de création, mais aussi d’un regard attentif sur la culture populaire, les imageries qui n’étaient guère prises en considération, les musiques de tous les continents.
Fidèle en amitié, il a conservé toute sa vie des liens avec un certain nombre de musiciens et artistes, comme Bob Wilson, dont il possédait de nombreuses correspondances depuis leur rencontre au cours des répétitions d’Einstein on the Beach.
In English
Philippe Gras was an independent photographer, but more important, he had an independent mind, refusing all compromises. All his life, he directed his camera towards works, themes and artists in whom he believed, and with whom he nurtured a deep relationship. He aimed also his camera at social phenomena which were important for him. He never fell in any kind of elitism, all the contrary. By browsing through his archives, one can easily verify that he had a very sure taste regarding advanced creation. But one can as well testify that he devoted equal attention to popular culture and to all kinds of neglected visual productions, and also to musical productions coming from all the continents. He developed deep and long-lasting friendships with many musicians and creators. Among them was Robert Wilson, whom he met during the original production of Einstein on the Beach andwith whomhe hadan important correspondence.